Florida’s First Female High School Varsity QB

To go along with today’s topic of female athletes being featured in the media, recently a female senior at South Plantation High School in Plantation, Fla. garnered media attention for being Florida’s first female high school quarterback. I think the fact that this story is unique is one reason why it’s getting so much attention from the media. Do you think media coverage of this story is a stepping stone for more coverage of female athletes? Or is this story just so unique that that’s the only reason it is being covered?

Tell us what you think!


Update: She was also named Homecoming Queen (thanks Ashley Kerr for the update).

31 responses to “Florida’s First Female High School Varsity QB

  1. Samantha Manguiat

    I read about this, and I think it’s just covered cause it’s never happened in history before. I went to Osceola High school and there was this girl who was on three different sport teams (basketball, soccer, flag football) for St. Cloud, as well as being on the boys football team as the kicker. It was an article on the local newspaper (can’t remember if it was on the front page or not) but the news didn’t travel far from our area. It was a girl on the boys team, same as what this girl is doing at South Plantation High School except the positions they are playing are different. I think that this female quarterback is getting all the media coverage because the position she plays is an important role in the sport.

  2. Gabriella Razzetti

    First things first, this girl is a badass. That being said, as we talked about in class, one of the main arguments for why women’s sports are covered in the media is because of uniqueness and prominence. This girl is extremely unique in that she is taking on a role that no one else has before, therefore making her the perfect candidate for a sport. She could lose every game and people would still be talking about her. The media doesn’t want to cover the girls that just win; they want the story, they want the viewers.

  3. This might be a coincidence but does anyone else think it’s interesting that the first three people to reply to this post are women? It might be my own conspiracy theory but I think the reason women sports aren’t covered as much is because that media niche is controlled by a male majority.

    And while more and more women are breaking through the ranks, I think many of them are too busy trying to fit in. They might not want to rock the boat and ask to cover more women’s teams. Despite the strides the feminist movement has made, we still have a lot of work to do. I guess taking a sports media might be the first step. Am I right, Gabriella and Samantha?

  4. Allow me to be the first male to reply. I think this story has received media coverage because, for one, it’s rare for a girl to play football and two, she just happens to play arguably the most important position on the field. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is a stepping stone for more female sports to get coverage. It’s so unique and that’s why it’s getting attention.

  5. Natalie Sautter

    I agree with Michael. The story got more coverage than most (I remember hearing about this and I have no connections to Plantation) because it’s rare for a girl to play football, but it’s even more “newsworthy” because she is playing QB. Although, I have heard other stories about girls playing football, one of which was the kicker if I remember correctly.

    Gabriella mentioned that the female QB could lose every game and the media would still cover her. I wonder will the media scrutinize her more, especially if the team doesn’t have a good season, simply because she’s a girl playing a stereotypical “jock” position? Football is a team sport, but we all know QBs take a lot of the heat.

  6. Richard Gonzalez

    I think its only getting coverage because it is unique. Every once in awhile you hear about a girl making a football team or almost making and the only reason you hear about them is because they are unique and unexpected.

  7. I think this story is getting coverage because it is rare. Typically girls don’t play football. There have been other stories but not with them playing the position of QB. I think this is mainly because they aren’t given the opportunity. That could also be another part of why this story is being covered. The coach of this high school not only gave her the opportunity to be on the team but also to play and show her talents. I don’t think this is a stepping stone of female coverage in sports unless they are as unique as this story.

  8. I think that the reason the story is being covered is because the rarity of the matter. Although she did break barriers, I believe this has nothing to do with an enhanced interest in women’s sports. I think that she may receive more personal attention for this, and could potentially lead the way for other aspiring female quarterbacks in the nation.

  9. I think this story is being covered because of the uniqueness of the situation. My guess is the next five female quarterbacks to play for their high school football team will receive coverage as well, and after that the story will slowly start to disappear from a national level. Don’t get me wrong, I am so proud of women who break barriers and succeed in an area that is predominantly male dominated. Without a doubt she is helping to pave the way for girls in the future who want to play football, or any male sport, at their school or university, but I don’t think this particular story is a stepping stone for more coverage of female athletes. While Erin Dimeglio will probably get a shout out at the ESPY’s for this, there are far better female athletes competing everyday at much higher levels than she is who receive no coverage whatsoever. It’s disappointing, but it is the way the sports world works. Every success story helps the case for female athletes, but it will be a long time before female athletes receive regular coverage from big-time media outlets.

  10. I believe that she is being covered because like they said, it is the first time in history for this to happen in Florida. The uniqueness of the story is what got it out there. Personally, I do not think that females should be playing on a varsity football team full of men. No matter how many times they say that she can handle it, she won’t be able to when the other team knocks her down. Male on male contact is a normal sight these days, but when you say that a male knocked down a female then you get all sorts of people saying that it’s inhumane or he shouldn’t have hit her that hard. Anyway, good for her for going out there and making it. Maybe her next stop will be joining the LFL and bringing ratings up there.. Who knows?

  11. Charles Kingsbury

    I find the story to be unique, no question. I do, however, disagree with a woman playing amongst men in a gladiator sport. You can preach equality until you’re blue in the face, but women are not built the way men are. Another angle to consider would be the distractions she may bring to that locker room filled with obnoxious, adrenaline-filled men. No matter how much respect is given to her, she’ll be a focal point of attention. That in itself disrupts the team’s goals.

  12. Shazyquia Ransom

    Wow! This is an incredible story which I believe will inspire many young girls. I’ve always wanted to play football as a child. However, I was limited to the flag football team. The impact that stories like these have on the perception of women extend far beyond Title IX.

  13. The only reason this story is being covered is because it’s unique. Most girls who have a passion for football, normally stick to the flag football team offered by their high school. But instead, this girl decided to go out and play along side of the guys. As much as I respect her for being that brave, I wouldn’t say I completely agree with the decision to allow her to play with them. Growing up in a family that revolves around football, I feel that tackle football such as Friday night varsity games, Saturday college games, and Sunday NFL is meant to be played by guys. There are teams made for women (like flag football) that women should only be allowed to participate in. (You don’t see high school guys on the girls flag football team.) I feel that female sports coverage should be shown more than it is, but honestly I don’t feel that it will happen anytime soon. Agree or disagree, I personally feel that mens sports are a lot more intense and exciting to watch compared to women’s, which makes the transition hard.

  14. Justin Crisafulli

    I think this story is just too unique not to cover. A girl playing football is not unheard of, but playing Varsity QB is another thing (the only reason its getting coverage). For female athletes this is a great accomplishment and i am sure this girl has got some skill (athletically) or obviously she wouldn’t be on the team. I feel the majority of the male audience on this one does not think anything fantastic of this piece. If women want to be taken seriously, i think they should really push for women’s football to become a sport. There are plenty of females that can compete at a very high level and they should be rewarded (women’s football league).

    With that being said i do not think it is fair to have a female play in a male sport. These males are competing at the same intensity level as their female counterpart, but the males are much more stronger, faster, and bigger than most females that it gives an unfair advantage. Women should push the barrier, and i think they deserve to have more sports (title 9 supporter), i just don’t think they should not play in male sports (Danica Patric-NASCAR). Everyone loves to watch athletes compete at the highest level, and there a plenty of women who do so and who should be respected for it- in their own league (WNBA, LPGA.. and so on). So to me, the only reason this story is getting so much coverage is because a FEMALE played in a football game (99.9% MALE majority). Not because the athlete was superior to her competition- her two plays were hand-offs.

    Just my OPINION.

  15. I definitely think this story is only getting so much attention because it is so unique. I don’t think female sports are going to start getting much more coverage than they currently are. As a female athlete myself, I see how women’s sports get thrown under the bus. I applaud this girl for taking her talent and hanging with the boys. However, I am fine with the coverage that women’s sports recieve. Yes, I believe females should be recognized for their accomplishment, but girls don’t want to watch other girls play sports anymore than guys do. Men’s athletics is more competitve than female’s, so it is completely understandable that they receive the most coverage in the newspaper, TV, online, etc.

  16. This story definitely caught my eye. It’s great that the article included the stat that about 500 girls have tried out for the state of Florida football teams, but Erin DiMeglio is the first to play as QB. She is the team’s icon and spear. She will keep pushing forward, and that determination will draw attention from the media. As someone once told me: “The quarterback position is the most important in all of sports.” I agree with him.

  17. Nikita Williams

    My heart was filled with Joy when I seen this article a couple of days ago! Little by little (and I mean little) women are making big strides in the sports world and I cant wait to equality; at least the right to equality! However, I really think the media covered this story merely because it is a unique one. I love what Erin is doing, playing football because it’s her passion, but she isn’t there yet 100% athletic wise. The QB position isnt just understanding how to hold the ball with the fingers by the stitches, projecting the ball in a spiral accuracy and saying ” Down-Set-Hike.” She has to be a play maker, be able to read the fiels, and knowing when to get out the pocket, or stay in! I have no doubt in my mind that Erin will go further in life, but when it comes to being measured up with men, us as women have to exceed expectations beyond measure! I need her to give Aaron Rogers a run for his money! All in all, this exposure was for uniqueness, the next, will be for greatnes! GIRLS ROCK!!!

  18. Tyler Rosenberger

    I believe that this is a rare case because we associate football with men. Especially the QB position being almost male sex symbols as well(Tom Brady).

  19. Unfortunately, I believed this story was covered just because of its uniqueness. Like it said in the story, this is the first time that this has ever happened in the state of Florida. Although it is good exposure for her, it’s simply because the story is unique.

  20. We had a female kicker at my high school, but never a quarterback! What an interesting story…I do believe this is only so highly covered because of its rarity. This is something that is very unheard of, so obviously it’s going to become a top story. Many female athletes may be offended by their lack of coverage, and that’s understandable, but I just think it is something that we’re going to have to accept. It IS arguably disappointing, but male athletes get more attention from the media and fans because people find them more exciting to watch and they are built differently than women–it has been this way since the beginning of sports. Regardless of how little female athletes are covered by the media, we cannot argue that this is a huge step towards equality among athletes-a woman playing a very important position typically cut out for men definitely breaks a barrier.

  21. As much as I wish it weren’t true, I think this story was only covered because of the news values we learn about everyday in class — uniqueness and prominence. If this girl were a kicker, there wouldn’t be a story about it. But the role of quarterback is usually spoken about most often, and she is essentially one of the most important people on the field.

    This is good exposure for her and her school, but it’s only because nothing like this has never happened in Florida before.

    I agree that it is a huge accomplishment for the media, but I really don’t think it is going to make that much of a difference. It’s really just a point for feminism because of the fact that she was even allowed to take on the role of QB in the first place.

  22. I thought some of the commenters on the discussion board under this article had good points. If women argue for “equality” in the sports world and that they should be allowed to compete in men’s sports, it would only be fair for men to have the option of playing on women’s teams.

    In addition, if women want to have the right to play football or other men’s sports, I certainly hope they would not try to sue anyone if they suffer an injury playing a sport with males.

    Also, there is a huge difference between playing quarterback in men’s football and being the field goal kicker or being a soccer goalie on a men’s team. Quarterback is a much more physically dangerous position for a woman than when we have seen females play as field-goal kickers in the past.

  23. Obviously, this is a very unique and eye-catching story. Not only is she a female quarterback, but she is the first in Florida- and she’s playing with all guys! It is definitely newsworthy; however, I think she, and other female athletes, should be covered by reporters just as frequently and respectfully as male athletes. My question is why does the media have to compare her to male athletes as if football is only made of men? The more people that point out prejudice thoughts, the more likely prejudice will persist. Not that she doesn’t deserve news coverage because she definitely does!

  24. Andrew Jurnovoy

    I don’t feel like this story is a stepping stone for more attention for female sports. The main reason being that the story involves a men’s sport anyway. The only reason this got a bunch of attention, I remember seeing it on the front page of yahoo’s website, was because it was the first time it has ever been done.

  25. I am really happy she is getting media attention. My cousin Beth, played hockey on the mens team at Harrison High School in New York, a highly competitive mens hockey team. She made several headlines and was interviewed several times…covering all types of media: Conflicts with her changing in the mens locker room, her so called “inability” to endure the contact that coincides with men hockey etc., Although much controversy came with her starting position, she received local fame and much gratitude. I think that if she performs and steps up to the plate and delivers, the women quarterback will continue to get publicity. However, if she doesn’t I think the press is going to hammer her. She has a lot of pressure put on her. She has to represent women as well as deliver for her team. I wish her the best of luck.

  26. I’m happy that the media is covering this young ladies story. This is a major stepping stone for women in sports at every level. Even those women in professional sports because it is showing that women’s efforst are finally being recognized. Hopefully this is the first step to equal exposure for women in sports.

  27. I don’t thin this story could be a stepping stone for more coverage of female athletes. Definitely the media cover this story because uniqueness. Similar case with this, 2 years ago (2010), female Japanese pitcher successfully debut in US professional baseball game (link: http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-500290_162-6538356.html). At that time, media have interest in this small (5-foot-1, 115-pound), Asian female, sidearm knuckler. However, nobody care about her, now. If female athletes are not showing some specific achievement, media will lose their interest.

  28. Being a girl, I love football and have always enjoyed playing the game. However, I believe that this story was only covered because of its uniqueness. She’s a girl and is a highschool QB which has never happened before. This being said, I love that she is getting attention and exposing the fact that girls can indeed play the sport as well. More power to her!

  29. Michelle Montenegro

    Frankly the story was covered because of its unique and inspiring qualities. The situation is novel and interesting, which make for a good story. The fact that a girl is playing the most prominent position of a traditionally male dominated sport is both fascinating and inspiring to women and girls of all ages. Unfortunately, I don’t think this story of a woman athlete will snowball into more media coverage for women sports. It is a gem and such rare stories will pop up here and there, but their impact will probably not be profound enough to increase coverage of women’s sports all together.

  30. I commend her for accomplishing such a feat. But, men are just built differently than women naturally. They’re usually stronger and faster. I can’t imagine how she would handle being tackled by 18-year-old football players. It’s wonderful that she is being recognized in this aspect, but overall for women coverage in sports, this is a small step. Where are the big news stories about WNBA, women’s soccer, etc? When will we reach that point?

  31. I believe it is being covered as an anomaly.
    But, gates are opened by this story.

    I am unsure how much this will change, but who knows.
    The argument has been made that the gap between men and women athletically is closing, but until a female player dominates a sport that captivates america (football, basketball, baseball) then little will be done.

    Her taking a few snaps is the first change.

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